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Teach Your Child How to Be a Good Student

Research shows that parent involvement is the biggest single factor in a child’s success in school. One of the ways you can set your child up for success in school and in life is to teach them how to be a good student.

Good study and work habits need to be taught and practiced. Supporting your child while they are learning to be a good student will show them you care and let them know you believe in their ability to do well in school.


Preparing preschoolers for school means continuing what you are probably doing- exposing them to literature, teaching them to listen and express themselves, and expecting them to do what is asked of them.

Building your young child’s self-esteem is important. Letting your child know they are loved and an important member of the family will help them feel secure in the world. Being positive and enthusiastic about school will cause them to eagerly anticipate their first day!

Children should have some experience with others their age and be able to cooperate, follow directions and share with others much of the time. Your child’s teacher will appreciate your supportive and involved style of parenting.

Main points to address:

  • Help your child feel loved and valued.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic about the prospect of school.
  • Provide play times with other children to help your child develop early social skills.

Grades K-3rd

Your child’s first days at school may be overwhelming for both you and your child, but trust that you have prepared your son or daughter to step out into the world.

Stay in close communication with the teacher. Communicate using a notebook that travels in your child’s pack. If problems arise, deal with them promptly. Most school problems have solutions.

Listen to your child. Encourage and praise them for their successes in school. Value the work they do by really looking at the papers they bring home and asking them to tell you about them.

In the early years, children may or may not have homework. If your child has homework make sure they have a quiet and uncluttered place to work. Stay nearby to keep your youngster on track and be available for questions. It is okay to help with homework, but it is never okay to do the homework for your child. If you find your child is struggling with homework, the teacher needs to know.

Making sure your child gets enough rest is crucial to success in school. Children cannot focus on their lessons or cooperate with classmates if they are tired. Eating a good breakfast is also important.

Keeping a positive attitude about school means being careful to avoid saying anything negative about the teacher or school in front of your child. If problems arise, communicate them. You are your child’s advocate.

Continue reading to your child each night. Volunteer to help with school functions. Expect the best from your child. You will be conveying how you feel about school and learning.

Main points to address:

  • Start off on the right foot by being enthusiastic.
  • Set up a study/work area with supplies handy.
  • Let your child know that quality work is expected and valued.

Grades 4-6th

Older elementary children have substantially more work and are more accountable for their performance. Homework assignments will be longer and given more regularly. Teaching your child that homework comes before other activities will motivate them to get it done as soon as they get home. Check for completeness and general understanding.

Encourage your child to go the extra mile with special projects. Help them to do research if they need it and provide needed materials. Don’t let them wait until the last minute. Teach your child to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines. Provide a daily planner as well as a family calendar centrally located.

Teach the importance of writing neatly. Teachers will not reward students for sloppy work. Praise their good work.

Have your child organize all papers, folders and textbooks before going to bed. This will eliminate morning craziness and allow your child to start the day right.

Teaching your child how to be a good student means teaching them how to think. Letting them know that just because something takes several steps to be completed does not mean it is “hard”! It’s work. Helping your child view schoolwork as their job will encourage their best efforts.

Some additional thoughts: Teach your child how to read directions. Show him how to highlight important facts and ideas in study materials. If your child has trouble reading, find expert help for him.
Allow time for study and rest before a test. Be upbeat and encouraging.

Most importantly teach them the value of learning by being a lifelong learner yourself. Read, write and try new things. Show them people never stop learning and that their school experience will provide the foundation for later learning.

Main points to address:

  • Help your child organize school materials and manage their time.
  • Teach them how to read and understand directions, highlighting important information.
  • Encourage neatness and checking their work before handing it in.
  • Be an example of lifelong learning.

Resources that can help you in your venture include:

Posted in Education.

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